Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects sleep and wake fullness. It usually begins between ages of 15 and 25, but can develop at any age. This sleeping disorder affects people and makes them sleep at daytime at any time. This is uncontrollable and you can sleep suddenly doing any activity. It can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. For people who have narcolepsy, stages of sleep are not followed normally. Rapid Eye Movement or 'REM' sleep happens immediately after falling asleep. This also happens during the day. In this stage we experience dreams and a muscle paralysis. These 2 factors are some symptoms experienced by narcolepsy. The cause of this disorder is not yet known, but scientists think it is associated with genes. Some symptoms include hallucinations and cataplexy. There is no such cure for narcolepsy but there are certain drug medicines that can be used to control REM sleep stages. Antisepressants are given in such cases. Some changes in the lifestyle such as exercise, good diet, avoidance of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are also necessary
to alleviate the symptoms of narcolepsy.